Request form



If, during implementation or cooperation through our API, you encounter obstacles whose solution you will not find in our documentation, we leave you the opportunity to send your notification directly to our IT department as part of our relational approach to cooperation with our customers. However, remember that we do not deal with the configuration of individual integrations but with solving specific obstacles. 

Request form

In order to be able to maintain a high standard of service, we ask that you keep the following notification template:

1. Which version of the API you use?

2. Which API method do you use?

3. The first eight characters of your api_key

4. How often do you send request to the Coffeedesk server to get the current data?

5. Which implementation problems do you have?

6. In case of API problems, please add REQUEST and RESPONSE or some point a fragment and description of what is incorrect.

Please send your notyfication by e-mail to in the title giving your name and Tax ID number