Can API give different formats --> XML/CSV/JSON or other format?

For REST API v3.0.0 we provide you a SWAGGER API definition based on which you can generate an API client in virtually any programming language and an interface where you can experiment with the API. REST API v3.0.0 returns answers as a JSON object.

Does API give product pictures, product descriptions?

API gives you the opportunity to download a product description from us. In the case of product images we provide the opportunity to download their url in response.

Does API send out the stock levels in real time? If yes, how often?

The API doesn't give you the possibility to download full information about our stocks level, however, it returns information about the availability of a given quantity of product. The maximum value of availability of a given product with we show is limited to 20 pieces. Description and type of returned parameters in the facility can be found in our API documentation. 

Will I get support from you in configuring?

As we said at the beginning, in addition to the documentation we have made available, you will need technical knowledge or the help of an experienced programmer to process the configuration. We do not deal with the configuration of individual integrations but at the same time we provide you with support to solve specific obstacles.

Do you have a dedicated integration to PrestaShop, Magento, Shoplo, Shoper or any other online shop software provider?

No, at the moment we don't have such a dedicated integration.